The Tryptych by Catherine Habbie

The Tryptych
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As all three novella's of the Tryptych-trilogy lead to this book on Goodreads, and as they are so short in themselves, I will write a single review for the whole trilogy. I received a free copy from Catherine Habbie in return for an honest review.

I really loved The Tryptych. From my grandfather I inherited a love for English literature and books about families with secrets and interesting connections. This trilogy combined those two. I squeeed a couple of times when love and understanding grew between characters over a poem or a couple of sentences out of an old favourite amongst books. The writing style might be a bit of an acquired taste to some, but I certainly love it.

One thing that did bother me a bit was the connection that was made in The Tryptych II between Williams' Syndrome and Autism. I must admit that my knowledge of Williams' Syndrome consists of some franctic search engine research when I stumbled upon that part, so I am by no means an expert on that. I have found no source for a link between the two, apart from them both being a genetic condition. I believe people should be very careful in linking two wholly different conditions. Apart from that, as an autistic person myself, I get a little tired from all those people who expect me to be some kind of savant. No, I cannot count matches as soon as they fall on the floor, and I cannot play a musical instrument faultless with or without music sheets or something like that. Only a very small amount of autistic persons is actually a savant, stop making the connection at every possibility. End of my rant.

Apart from that one part that irked me, I really, really loved this trilogy.


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