Break Your Glass Slippers by Amanda Lovelace

Dear prince,

If you tried to find me now,
you wouldn't be able to.
You see, when I finally learned
how to love myself, everything
about me changed.

the princess.

Oh my, I finished these poems way too quick, I wanted this collection to contain more of them! Yes, they are that good. I am definately going to re-read this, and I've already looked up if it will be sold in the Netherlands - since I definately want to buy it too.

My loving this collection of poems probably has to do with a couple of things. I mean, yes, of course they are good, and I could write a whole lot about how the words are arranged, about the beautiful simplicity etc. But let's be honest, poetry is all about emotions, and to capture emotions in good poetry is not all about techniques. Me loving these poems probably has as much origin in them brushing my own experiences, them helping me find words for what I feel.

I received a free copy through Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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