Manga Classics: Anne of Green Gables by Chrystal Chan

Manga Classics Anne of Green GablesWhat can I say? The Manga classics have been a great experience up until now, and Anne of Green Gables is one of my favourite books. This manga classic was new, and simultaneously felt like a warm blanket of familiarity. It brought the story across very well, not only because it is a very accurate adaptation, but also because it managed to capture the atmosphere of the book into the drawings. It certainly inspired me to go and read the series again.

One thing that is good to be aware of: while usually manga's start at what we westerlings see as the last page of the book and end at the front of the book, this one starts at the front. It had been too long since I read any Manga Classics adaptations, so I made the mistake of starting at the back xD It's not a big deal though.

I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.


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