The Haunting of Beatrix Greene

The Haunting of Beatrix Greene: Vol. 1 This is a very enjoyable book. At times I thought it was quite scary, and in horror I love it when the monsters are not just that, but have an extra layer of how humans react to them/situations - and there were some very fun examples of foreshadowing. The characters were funny and endearing in their own way, making me as a reader want them all to survive and come out unscathed.

That said, there were some things I think readers should be aware of before they enthousiastically pick up this book. 1, The first one is the amount of instalove - one character has an insta-infatuation, and two other characters are practically in Real Love(tm) as soon as they come in contact with each other. It is not as annoying as instalove usually is somehow. 2, Not everything was historically accurate, especially connected to the instalove. 3. The characters were fun and (most of them) endearing, but they were also a bit flat and caricatures. Again, it was not bad or something, just don't expect deep character development. 4. As I said, there were some very fun examples of foreshadowing. Some of them were too much on the nose though, making parts of the plot predictable.

I want to repeat that this book was very enjoyable and a fun (yes, fun) read.

I received a free copy through Netgalley. My opinions on this book are my own.


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