Rise of the Red Hand by Olivia Chadha

Rise of the Red Hand (The Mechanists, #1)This book left me with some mixed feelings.

It was very plot-driven, and I think the writer did that quite well in the second half of the book. The first half wasa little slow, but it did give a good understanding on what the world is like. I did not think it was too descriptive, it was exactly right to my taste. Tastes can differ though. The plot was mostly what I expected it to be, but Chadha did manage to surprise me on some points. Not on the one about insta-love, unfortunately. I had hoped on a book where respect would grow without that.

One thing I am hesitant to mention, because I read an advanced copy, but in this case I will anyway. Especially the first half was full of spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and simply clunky sentences that did not add up. Like 13% in, I got the sentence "In the past the Red Hand commits arson and arms civillians" - this reads very crooked, if it's in the past, it should be past tense. It read like Chadha learned (like we did in primary school) that you should either always use present tense or always past tense. In a lot of ways that does not work though, like in the aforementioned example.

I think this book has a lot of potential to be awesome. I also think that it can greatly improve with a couple of extra proofreads.

I received a free copy through Netgalley. My opinions are my own.

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